2020 Must Have Branded Back-to-School Merchandise

Best Promo Back-to-School Products to Raise the School Spirit!

This is not just any new school term but it is the dawn of new hope for our children. This is the first sign that things are going back to normal after the horrible events brought on by the pandemic in the past quarter. However, new measures must be taken to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our children. However, we should still maintain a sense of normalcy for the children to allow them to focus on their studies. To start this new school term, here are the 7 must-have back-to-school products.

1. Hand Sanitisers

Proper hand hygiene prevents a host of various diseases, including Coronavirus, so it is important that students have easy access to sanitisers whether they’re in the classrooms, cafeteria, or gym. Aside from placing large bottles of hand sanitisers in strategic places, students should also have a small one in their backpack for personal use once they step out of the school (in the school bus or during commute).

Recommended sanitisers: 30ml Hand Sanitiser Gel, 60ml Hand Sanitiser Gel, and Antibacterial Wet Wipes

2. Face Masks

Together with sanitisers, face masks are non-negotiables in the post-COVID world. Make sure that the students never forget to wear their face masks by giving them reusable face masks with adorable prints. They are not only cute, but they are also eco-friendly.

Recommended face masks: Cotton Face Mask, Reusable Face Mask Full Colour – Small, and Reusable Face Mask Full Colour – Large

3. Pens & pencils

Lessons may be going digital but pencils and pens will always be necessary for studying. Gadgets could break, run out of battery, and be outdated but these writing instruments are always reliable when taking down notes, sketching, and doing homework. They are also cheap and long lasting. Make the children be more excited to write things down with fun and colourful pens and pencils.

Recommended writing instruments: Galaxy Pen, Bruno Eco Pen, and Coloured Pencils in Cardboard Tube

4. Backpacks

Kids these days don’t want just any backpack. They want something stylish but can also protect their laptops and tablets. There are plenty of high-quality and fashionable branded bags that children will love while also serving the purpose of boosting school pride and branding. In fact, bags generate the most impressions out of all promotional items so you’ll be sure to reap branding benefits when you use bags as part of your promotional efforts.

Recommended backpacks: Techno Adventure Backpack, Osaka Tablet Bag, and Compact Backpack

5. Squishy Toys

Squishy toys are not only adorable to look at but also relieve stress from studying. Some kids also work better with sensory stimulation, meaning they prefer fiddling with something to keep their focus up. These squishy toys satisfy that need.

Recommended Stress Toys: Stress Ball – Full Colour, Smile Guy with Bendy Arms & Legs, and Squeeze Apple

6. Hoodies

Now that we’re approaching winter, hoodies are the perfect giveaways for students to keep warm. They are also great at promoting school pride during school events and sporting events. Branded schoolwear is also used and kept long even after they graduate. In addition, hoodies are fashion staples, guaranteeing that your school or brand will be promoted for a very long time.

Recommended Branded Hoodies: Ladies/Juniors Zipper Hoodie, Contrast Hoodie, and PASSION PURSUIT Hoodie

7. Notebooks

Notebooks now come in all styles and forms to make note-taking and studying more exciting for children. Your students will be using them a lot this school term so make sure that the notebooks you offer are of high-quality, durable, and attention-grabbing to reap the branding benefits that they offer.

Recommended Promo Notebooks: Design Your Own Notebook! – SEA, A5 Omega Notebook, and Bling Notebook

8. School-from-Home Packs

Starting the school term in this tumultuous time is already hard enough. Shopping for these different items should be the least of your worries. If you just want a pack that already contains most of the items above, we have the complete School from Home packs featuring a bundle of school necessities so that you don’t have to browse around for individual items. They are also great for those who still want to do distance learning. If you want to create your own School Pack, you can give us your shopping list through this link and we’ll do the shopping for you.

Recommended School Bundles: School From Home Pack A and School from Home Pack B

Start the school term right with these must-have branded back-to-school products!

You’ll find everything you need to start the school year here in Brandconnect! For orders and inquiries, you can call or email us.