Branded merchandise for long term sales

How to Develop Branded Merchandise Ideas that Sell

Celebrities and Youtube personalities aren’t the only ones who are getting in on the branded merchandise action. More and more brands are starting to sell their own corporate merchandise and turn additional streams of profit. The Boring Company, Coca-Cola, and NBA are the first brands that come to mind when thinking of companies that have produced and sold their very own corporate merchandise. Although your company may not be as big as these brands, you, too, can put branded merchandise into good use and raise funds or generate extra income for your brand.

Iron out your brand’s messaging

While it easy to stamp on your logo on any promotional product and call it a day, you would need to have a clear and consistent branding that reflects your company’s values, quality, value proposition, and mission. How will people be able to identify your logo or messaging if it is not aligned with your overall brand?

Implement a sound strategy

Nothing worth having ever comes easy in this world. When implementing a corporate merchandise strategy, make sure that you have done your research and determined your targets and budget. After all, this requires investment, so you have to set goals and expectations by the end of this campaign. You can’t go into battle without arming yourself with information and preparation.

Pick promotional products that resonate with your brand and audience

Using the information that you gathered from your research, find who your target market is and their likes. You can then choose the promotional products that will be suitable for their demographics. This is important as you need to get them to want your products well enough to buy it. If they don’t think your products are of any value, then it is highly likely that they will just ignore them.

Don’t be limited with the common items though. If you have creative branded merchandise ideas that you think will be a hit, go for it. The more creative your products are, the more that they will stand out.

Begin with a small number of products

You don’t need to go all out if you’re just testing the waters. Start conservatively by ordering limited quantities of corporate merchandise. That way, it could create a sense of urgency among people due to the limited number of products.

Don’t focus too much on what you can stand to earn

At the end of the day, the most important thing that corporate merchandise can bring to your brand is improved brand awareness. After all, these are not the main part of your business, but rather just advertising vehicles that can attract leads and generate impressions for your brand while earning a pretty penny while doing it.

Design your branded merchandise simply

There is a difference between branded merchandise for selling and promotional products for giveaways. Make sure your corporate merchandise look premium and not too promotional. Simplicity is key when it comes to designing your branded merchandise. Remove too many irrelevant details such as your company’s contact details, website, and tagline.

Establish brand longevity and earn while doing it with corporate merchandise. If you want to get started on your own branded merchandise ideas, you can ask for help from our friendly brand guardians by phone at 02 8072 3350 or fill up our order form here.